By Anne O'Dwyer Submitted On April 08, 2016
I have so many things I want to set in motion for my business but it all takes time, longer than I expect. I think I will get so much done when I sit at my laptop. I am quite disciplined and settle down about 9 am, sometimes before, and usually I have already written an article in note form ready to upload, but where does the time go?
I recently watched a webinar stating how good video marketing is both for direct traffic and via Google. I have spent several days watching videos on the simplest ways of creating videos for YouTube. I saw a video about using a web-cam on your laptop and creating it directly to YouTube but that is no longer possible.
I then decided power-point and audacity would be the answer, it sounded quite plausible on the video. As I don't have power-point and couldn't find a program to down load, I connected to power-point live and made my presentation, plus my sound track, only to find I needed a laptop version to combine them. Back to square one! I then downloaded movie-maker, made my slides and voice over, but the end result was pretty poor, so next I'll try camera recording! I think I need many more hours practice!
Another webinar I watched was a new twist on Facebook advertising, but I still have to find time to implement it. I have recently discovered kindle blogs and am in the process of uploading over 300 articles I have written, to kindle. This is another way to get traffic to my website. I am also adding them to "dig".
Back-links I'm told are essential and I should enlist paid help via Fiverr to set them up. Oh and I plan to set up a weekly newsletter with all manner of interesting links. I love what I am doing but would love a magic wand to implement them all immediately.
One day it will all be in place and I will be satisfied with it all, meanwhile I shall keep ploughing through my plans. It is true once you get used to doing something new, you soon become quicker at it; but then there is something else to learn!
So if you are looking for an interesting, exciting hobby business, that never leaves you wondering what you will do with your time, affiliate marketing could be the answer. There is always something new and challenging to learn, and great satisfaction at your achievements.
For a simple start enlist the guidance of a good mentor so that you can start earning as you learn the techniques. This is the simplest quickest way to get started; working with a mentor who provides excellent products, sales pages and training. This saves you the hassle of sourcing products deciding which will be best-sellers, building websites and learning marketing before you begin earning. So plan for the future NOW. join the band of entrepreneurs, make some choices in your life, don't leave it all to the nanny state.
Make 2016 a year to remember!
Books you might like to read:
"Ask for the Moon and Get It!" by Percy Ross
"Awaken the Giant Within" by Anthony Robbins.
"The Power of Your Subconscious Mind" by Joseph Murphy.
"Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway" by Susan Jeffers.
"99 Ways to flood Your Website With Traffic" by Mick Macro.
"SEO step by step" by Caimin Jones.
"500 Social Media Marketing Tips" By Andrew Macarthy
"Profitable Social Media Marketing" by Tim Kitchen & Tashmeem Mirza Also by the same author "How to get to the top of Google"
Hello My name is Anne
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